Thank you, Drivers!
This is just a shout-out from me, and on behalf of Sleek, to all the drivers out there. It may not be driver appreciation week but you deserve a round of applause daily. Thank you for your efforts, your patience, your drive, literally and figuratively. It’s not easy out there. Sure, we get some flexible shippers that get you in/out and it’s a breeze, but from time to time, not everything goes according to plan. We want our shippers to load on time as they requested but sometimes they get delayed, and believe me, we do everything we can to move things along. I just had a driver the other week do every single thing requested; bid & book his own load, dispatch on the app, arrive pre-cooled ahead of schedule and he still had to wait because the product wasn’t staged. He was stuck sitting in his cab for several hours while it was 100 degrees outside and all the while, he was calm and cool…he’s actually my inspiration for writing this so thank you to Andrew at DRU Transport LLC (MC004259). We were both incredibly frustrated and I felt terrible, but our hands were tied, as were his, and all he wanted to do was get back home to his family. It will happen, and how we handle it is on all of us because at the end of the day, there’s only so much we can control. Andrew was calm and collected, and I just assured him detention. Drivers, you put in long hours ensuring the rest of us get what we need and want, while working...
A Methodic Approach To A Fragmented System: All Under One Umbrella
Are you thinking strategically about your transportation spending? Shipping is a complex and costly aspect of any supply chain, and thus, the way shippers consider variables like truckload cost and service levels (OTD)-- is of utmost importance. For a long time, shippers have relied on legacy transportation management processes to procure carriers. These processes are outdated, and siloed, which is why shippers have embraced technological advancements to streamline freight procurement which optimizes the entire carrier network for long-term success to effectively manage the cyclical freight market as conditions change. Introducing Autonomous Freight Procurement & Advanced Analytics AI-powered software, and 100% data transparency, provide a holistic approach to transportation management in 8 simple steps. #1: Once the software is integrated with the shipper TMS #2: Shipper configures load attributes and sets max allowable truckload price in SaaS platform. #3: AI dynamically finds and vets a pool of compliant carriers, which are usually “invisible” to the shipper or blocked by broker middlemen. #4: AI introduces the load to a VETTED network of new and existing carriers giving them the opportunity to haul for you by submitting a direct bid. The 1st carrier to bid at or below the shipper’s allowable price wins the load. #5. With 100% data transparency the shipper knows which carrier has won the bid, and what they are getting paid. With no middlemen involved the shipper understands the actual truckload cost (what the truck is paid), so they can level-set pricing across their entire carrier network. #6: Tracking is done through the carrier's native mobile application, which is all visible to the shipper. #7: Carrier invoicing and payment...