For several weeks now, workplaces across America have essentially shut down, or have had limited shifts, due to stay-at-home orders. Local governments are starting to ease restrictions so businesses can get back to full capacity. Safety will remain the number one priority. New protocols will be needed not only for employees, but for vendors and guests too. Shippers, who manage the flow of goods through warehouses and docks, need to consider not only the safety of their employees, but of the numerous truck drivers who pick up and drop off their products. Leveraging the Sleek Fleet Carrier Network, we surveyed hundreds of truck drivers to find out what changes in protocol they have personally experienced since the beginning of the pandemic. Minus a few outliers, drivers were aligned on what shippers have done right, and wrong, to make them feel safe. In addition to employee protocol, here are top safety observations, along with recommendations, from drivers: 1. A large percentage of truck drivers, 44%, said eliminating personal interactions by staying in the truck is the biggest, and easiest, safety measure to help aid in social distancing. Other suggestions included signing PODs remotely/electronically and hanging signs or placing X marks on the ground to remind workers to stay 6 feet apart. 2. Body temperature checks was voted as the 2nd highest safety protocol to help keep the workforce safe. To minimize disruption, some manufacturers have mailed reusable temperature strips to their employees, and vendors, instructing folks to perform an at-home test (no more than 2 hours) prior to arrival. Some companies also require completion of a short questionnaire; questions include: Have...
The U.S. Department of Transportation announced that changes are coming to federal hours of service regs. According to Dean Corbolotti, Sleek Fleet Director Shipper Engagement, "Long haul drivers will have more flexibility, which in turn will give them the opportunity to provide better service and possibly make a little more money at the same time. Short haul drivers will have a larger radius to drive and a couple more hours available per day." #SleekPOV Read Article Join our newsletter. click here